David Green

David Green (Books) is the imprint under which I published booklets of my own poems. The original allocation of ISBN numbers is used up now, though. The 'Collected Poems' are now available as a pdf. The website is now what it has become, often more about music than books and not so often about poems. It will be about whatever suggests itself.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017



Lone cat cries in the ragged night,
detached from syntax, mess the thoughts
one might have had of decorum
or sentences that could make sense.
But we know well enough the place,
unfit for the lovely, somewhere
we know from cheap films long ago
set deep in Transylvania.
There is only one universe,
and I’m afraid that’s what it means,
and so this is no fiction made
to scare you on a Friday night
with popcorn and cola to hand.
The madness dispersing inside
us is astronomy and, for all
we know, the next cupboard or door
opened will contain Vincent Price,
the music that you loved to dread,
or all your nightmares come at once,
a tortoiseshell so nervous that
you know it’s you that you have found
but not quite as you thought you were.