David Green

David Green (Books) is the imprint under which I publish booklets of my own poems, or did. The 'Collected Poems' are now available as a pdf. The website is now what it has become. It keeps me out of more trouble than it gets me into. I hope you find at least some of it worthwhile.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015



Something still burns in the back of the mind.
Soldiers sleep the good sleep of the correct
in garrisons and wait there to be called.

Zwingli disputes the real presence of Christ
in bread and wine. If one gets that one wrong
you could be snapped on some machinery

devised by a yet more pragmatic wit.
The world adores the orthodox, or thinks
it does. The wind and rain comply with all

its rules and then, beyond, solemn planets
moving through somewhere ignorance is bliss
tilt at awkward, misunderstood angles.