Thursday, 23 February 2012

Re-reading 'Re-reading'

It was a great thing to ask if either of the two regularly featured poets in South magazine from Portsmouth Poetry Society might still have a copy of the issue in which my booklet from 2000, Re-reading Derrida on a Train, was reviewed because, yes, they did.

As far as I know, it is the only review of any of my booklets that I didn't have but I knew it was there.

I remember the story from many years ago when Bob Dylan asked someone to find him every recording of songs he'd written. My project of finding every time I've been reviewed is not quite such a challenge. But one can't ever be sure.

Dave Wood does a brief but consummate job and I've always said I'd rather have a good review, that shows that someone has read and appreciated what one has done, than a medal. I remember those days when I worked hard over poems and Dave noticed. I wish I still did, wish I still wanted to, wish I still thought it was necessary. It's not a bad little collection to look back on but, for various reasons, I wouldn't write anything like it now.

Thanks to Pauline for lending me her copy of the magazine.

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