Thursday, 11 November 2010

Signed Poetry Books - Neil Powell

Enthused as I have been with Neil Powell's writing in recent PNR's, I looked at Amazon to see what they had and saw this biography of Crabbe, which I have thought about reading before, at one of those giveaway prices that makes you feel guilty for a moment that the author is not benefitting at all from your purchase.
Just for a moment, before happily clicking on the 'one-click' order button and then sitting and waiting for the postman to come.
Thus it was an added bonus to flick through the book and it's a signed copy and an unexpected addition to the collection.
Having just a trace of shopaholicism where books are concerned, I'd better go back and see which of his books of poems are available. I remember reading Carpenters of Light, his book on the post-1945 poets, in about 1984. That's quite a long gap between books. I probably can't afford to leave a similar gap before reading the next book.

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