I now have 450-ish poetry books. Not all of them poetry books, but some of them novels or short stories by poets.
If and when invited to a house I've not been to before, I'm always keen to sneak a look at the bookshelves. Well, there is no need to come round here because these are the poetry books I own. I thought I'd better have a catalogue of them for insurance purposes, just in case they wanted to give me fifty quid for 'some poetry books' when actually it's perhaps one of the best collections in Hampshire with some irreplaceable items.
Of course, it is intended as a statement of taste and intent in poetry matters but I have been honest enough to include those titles that I bought long ago which are now a bit embarrassing and those that didn't prove to be as good as I'd hoped. But I enjoy looking at the long passages of Gunn, Larkin et al. Larkin occupies over two feet of shelfspace and I thought he was supposed to be frugal. Like one of the Banana Splits.
Agenda Thom Gunn at Seventy
Alvarez, A. The Shaping Spirit
Alvi, Moniza The Country at My Shoulder
Amis, Moraes, Porter Penguin Modern Poets 2
Armitage, Simon Kid x2
Armitage, Simon Seeing Stars
Armitage, Simon The Not Dead signed
Arnold, Matthew Selected Poetry and Prose
Auden, W. H. About the House
Auden, W. H. Collected Longer Poems
Auden, W. H. Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957
Auden, W. H. Selected Poems
Auden, W.H. and MacNeice, Louis Letters from Iceland
Bate, Jonathan John Clare, A Biography
Bate, Jonathan The Song of the Earth
Baudelaire Selected Poems
Bedient, Calvin Eight Contemporary Poets
Beeching, Guest, Mead Penguin Modern Poets 16
Berry, Paul A Bequest of Fire
Berry, Paul Homages and Holiday Snaps
Betjeman, John Best of Betjeman
Betjeman, John Betjeman's London
Betjeman, John Collected Poems
Betjeman, John Continual Dew signed
Betjeman, John Uncollected Poems
Bishop, Elizabeth Complete Poems
Blake, William sel and ed J. Bronowski
Bolan, Marc The Warlock of Love
Bold, Alan Thom Gunn and Ted Hughes
Bradford, Richard First Boredom, Then Fear, the Life of Philip Larkin
Brennan, Maeve The Philip Larkin I Knew
Brodsky, Joseph On Grief and Reason
Brown, George Mackay Selected Poems
Bryce, Colette Self-Portrait in the Dark
Bryce, Colette The Full Indian Rope Trick
Burke, Carolyn Becoming Modern, the Life of Mina Loy
Byron Selected Poems
Carey, John Donne, Life, Mind and Art
Carpenter, Humphrey Auden, W. H.
Catullus The Complete Poems
Catullus The Poems
Chaucer Canterbury Tales
Chaucer Love Visions
Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde trans. Coghill
Chaucer Troilus and Criseyde
Clanchy, Kate Samarkand
Clanchy, Kate Slattern
Conn, Stewart In the Kibble Palace
Coote, Stephen John Keats, A Life
Cope, Wendy If I Don't Know
Cope, Wendy Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis
Corcoran, Neil English Poetry since 1940
Crabbe, George Selected Poems
Crichton-Smith, Iain Selected Poems
Crichton-Smith, Iain The Law and the Grace
Crucefix, Martyn Beneath Tremendous Rain
cummings, e.e. 73 Poems
cummings, e.e. Selected Poems
Davenport-Hines, Rupert Auden
Davie, Donald A Winter Talent with signed letter
Davie, Donald Collected Poems 1950-1970
Davie, Donald Purity of Diction in English Verse and Articulate Energy
Davie, Donald These the Companions
Davie, Donald Thomas Hardy and English Poetry
Davie, Donald Under Briggflatts
Davis, Dick The Covenant
Didsbury, Peter Scenes from a Long Sleep
Donaghy, Michael Conjure
Donaghy, Michael Dances Learned Last Night, Poems 1975-1995
Donaghy, Michael Safest
Donaghy, Michael The Shape of the Dance
Donne, John The Complete English Poems
Duffy, Carol Ann Selected Poems signed
Dugdale, Sasha The Estate
Duhig, Ian Pandorama signed
Duhig, Ian The Speed of Dark
Dumas, Bethany K. Dumas E.E.Cummings, A Remembrance of Miracles
Dunn, Douglas Barbarians signed
Dunn, Douglas Dante's Drum-kit
Dunn, Douglas Elegies
Dunn, Douglas Northlight
Dunn, Douglas Secret Villages signed
Dunn, Douglas Selected Poems 1964-1983
Dunn, Douglas The Year's Afternoon
Durcan, Paul A Snail in My Prime
Dymoke, Sue A Sort of Clingfilm
East Coker T.S.Eliot poet 1888-1965 booklet from church
ed. Astley Tony Harrison, Bloodaxe Critical Anthologies
ed. Brian Gardner Up the Line to Death
ed. Brown and Paterson Don't Ask Me What I Mean
ed. Chambers An Enormous Yes, in memoriam Philip Larkin
ed. Donaghy 101 Poems about Childhood
ed. Dyson Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes and R.S. Thomas. Macmillan Casebook
ed. Emrys Jones The New Oxford Book of C16th Verse
ed. Fleur Adcock The Faber Book of C20th Women's Poetry
ed. G.B. Harrison Willobie His Avisa 1594
ed. Gerald Bullett Silver Poets of the C16th
ed. Herbert and Hollis Strong Words
ed. Hulse, Kennedy and Morley The New Poetry
ed. Hunter Modern Poets Five
ed. Jarman and Mason Rebel Angels, 25 Poets of the New Formalism
ed. Keast, William. R. Seventeenth Century English Poetry
ed. King and Crichton-Smith Twelve More Modern Scottish Poets
ed. Leader, Zachary The Movement Reconsidered
ed. Lucie-Smith British Poetry since 1945
ed. Lumsden Identity Parade
ed. Morrison and Motion The Penguin Book of Contemporary British Poetry x2
ed. Motion First World War Poems
ed. Motion Verses of the Poets Laureate
ed. O'Brien The Firebox
ed. Pollard Andrew Marvell Poems Methuen Casebook
ed. Reid Sounds Good
ed. Scammell The Poetry Book Society Anthology 3
ed. Schmidt New Poetries II
ed. Schmidt and Lindop British Poetry Since 1960
ed. Summerfield Worlds
ed. Thwaite Larkin at Sixty
ed. Tom Scott The Penguin Book of Scottish Verse
ed. Weiner At the Barriers, On the Poetry of Thom Gunn
Eliot, T.S. Four Quartets x2
Eliot, T.S. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Eliot, T.S. Selected Poems
Eliot, T.S. Selected Prose
Eliot, T.S. The Complete Poems and Plays
Evans-Bush, Katy Me and the Dead
Farjeon, Eleanor Edward Thomas, the Last Four Years
Farley, Paul The Boy from the Chemist is Here to See You
Farley, Paul The Ice Age
Feinstein, Elaine Ted Hughes, the Life of a Poet
Fenton, James An Introduction to English Poetry
Fenton, James Out of Danger signed
Foster, Brighton, Garland An Arundel Tomb Chichester Cathedral
Fraser, G.S. ed John Keats Odes Methuen Casebook
Frost, Robert Selected Poems
Ginsberg, Allen Howl
Graves, Robert Selected Poems
Gray, Kathryn The Never-Never
Greville, Fulke Selected Poems ed. Neil Powell
Grovier, Kelly A lens in the palm
Gunn, Thom A Bibliography compiled Hagstrom and Bixby
Gunn, Thom Boss Cupid
Gunn, Thom Boss Cupid signed American edition
Gunn, Thom Collected Poems
Gunn, Thom Fighting Terms Faber
Gunn, Thom FightingTerms Hawk's Well Press
Gunn, Thom In Conversation with James Campbell
Gunn, Thom Jack Straw's Castle x2, 1 signed
Gunn, Thom Moly
Gunn, Thom My Sad Captains x2
Gunn, Thom Poems selected by August Kleinzahler
Gunn, Thom Shelf Life
Gunn, Thom Talbot Road signed limited edition
Gunn, Thom The Man with Night Sweats
Gunn, Thom The Occasions of Poetry x2
Gunn, Thom The Passages of Joy
Gunn, Thom The Sense of Movement
Gunn, Thom Touch signed
Gunn, Thom and Gunn, Ander Positives
Gunn, Thom and Hughes, Ted Selected Poems
Gurney, Ivor Collected Poems
Hannah, Sophie First of the Last Chances
Hannah, Sophie Hotels like Houses
Hannah, Sophie Leaving and Leaving You
Hannah, Sophie Pessimism for Beginners
Hannah, Sophie The Hero and the Girl Next Door
Hardy, Thomas The Complete Poems
Harrison, Tony Black Daisies for the Bride
Harrison, Tony Laureate's Block and other poems
Harrison, Tony Prometheus
Harrison, Tony Selected Poems
Harrison, Tony The Birds
Harrison, Tony The Gaze of the Gorgon
Harrison, Tony The Shadow of Hiroshima and other film/poems
Harrison, Tony The Trackers of Oxyrhynchus signed
Harrison, Tony Under the Clock
Hartley, Jean The Philip Larkin I Knew
Hawkesworth, Pauline Bracken Women in Lime Trees
Hawkesworth, Pauline Developing Green Films
Heaney, Seamus Death of a Naturalist
Heaney, Seamus District and Circle
Heaney, Seamus Door into the Dark
Heaney, Seamus Field Work x2
Heaney, Seamus Finders Keepers
Heaney, Seamus Human Chain
Heaney, Seamus North
Heaney, Seamus Seeing Things signed
Heaney, Seamus Selected Poems 1965-1975
Heaney, Seamus The Spirit Level
Heaney, Seamus Wintering Out
Henri, McGough and Patten The Mersey Sound Revised Edition
Henryson, Robert The Testament of Cresseid and other poems
Hill, Geoffrey Collected Poems
Hillier, Bevis John Betjeman, the Biography
Hofmann, Michael Corona, Corona
Holland, Jane The Brief History of a Disreputable Woman
Homer The Iliad trans. Lattimore
Hopkins, Gerard Manley Poems and Prose
Horace and Persius The Satires
Horace and Persius The Odes
Housman, A.E. A Shropshire Lad
Hubbard, Sue Venetian Red
Hughes, Ted Birthday Letters
Hughes, Ted Collected Poems
Hughes, Ted From the Life and Songs of the Crow
Hughes, Ted Letters
Hughes, Ted Moortown
Hughes, Ted Selected Poems 1957-1967
Hughes, Ted Wodwo
Hughes, Ted Wolfwatching signed
James, Clive Reliable Essays
Jennings, Elizabeth Collected Poems
Jennings, Elizabeth Selected Poems
Jones, Alice M. Nine Poems signed
Jonson, Ben Selected sel. Thom Gunn
Joyce, James Pomes Penyeach
Juvenal The Satires
Kavanagh, P.J. An Enchantment
Kavanagh, P.J. Presences, New & Selected Poems
Kavanagh, Patrick Collected Poems
Keats The Comlete Poems
Kees, Weldon The Collected Poems
Kennedy, David New Relations
Keyes, Sidney Collected Poems
Keyes, Sidney The Iron Laurel
Khalvati, Mimi Mirrorwork
King, P.R. Nine Contemporary Poets
Kirkup, James A Correct Compassion signed
Kleinzahler, August Cutty, One Rock
Kleinzahler, August Green Sees Things in Waves
Kleinzahler, August Live rom the Hong Kong Nile Club
Kleinzahler, August Music I - LXXIV signed
Kleinzahler, August Red Sause, Whisky and Snow signed x 2, and one unsigned
Kleinzahler, August Sleeping it off in Rapid City
Kleinzahler, August The Strange Hours Travelers Keep
Langland Piers the Ploughman
Larkin, Philip A Bibliography 1933-1976 Bloomfield
Larkin, Philip A Girl in Winter
Larkin, Philip All What Jazz
Larkin, Philip Collected Poems 1988
Larkin, Philip Collected Poems 2003
Larkin, Philip Early Poems and Juvenilia
Larkin, Philip Further Requirements
Larkin, Philip High Windows
Larkin, Philip Jill
Larkin, Philip Letters to Monica signed Thwaite
Larkin, Philip Required Writing
Larkin, Philip Selected Letters
Larkin, Philip The Less Deceived
Larkin, Philip The North Ship
Larkin, Philip The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse
Larkin, Philip The Whitsun Weddings
Larkin, Philip Trouble at Willow Gables
Leavis, F.R. Revaluation
Leech, Geoffrey A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry
Leishman The Monarch of Wit
Leonard, Tom Intimate Voices 1965-1983 x2
Levertov, Rexroth, Williams Penguin Modern Poets 9
Lewis, Alun Collected Poems
Longley, Edna Louis MacNeice, a Study
Lowell, Robert Poems, a Selection
Lowell, Robert Selected Poems
Loy, Mina The Lost Lunar Baedeker
Lumsden, Roddy Mischief Night
Lumsden, Roddy The Book of Love
Lumsden, Roddy Third Wish Wasted
Lumsden, Roddy Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
MacCaig, Norman Collected Poems
MacKinnon, Lachlan Monterey Cypress signed
MacKinnon, Lachlan Small Hours
MacKinnon, Lachlan The Jupiter Collisions signed
MacNeice, Louis Selected Poems
MacNeice, Louis The Strings are False
Mahon, Derek An Autumn Wind
Mahon, Derek Harbour Lights
Mahon, Derek Life on Earth
Mahon, Derek Selected Poems
Mahon, Derek The Yellow Book
Mandelson, Edward Later Auden
Marvell, Andrew Complete Poems
Masefield, John The Dream signed
Maxwell, Glyn Hide Now
Maxwell, Glyn Tale of the Lord Mayor's Son
Maxwell, Glyn The Breakage
Maxwell, Imlah, Reading Penguin Modern Poets 3
McGough, Roger after the merrymaking
McGough, Roger Gig
McGough, Roger In The Glassroom
McGough, Roger Watchwords
Michelucci, Stefania The Poetry of Thom Gunn
Mole, John Passing Judgements
Mooney, Martin Blue Lamp Disco
Mooney, Martin Bonfire Makers
Mooney, Martin Brecht & An Exquisite Corpse
Mooney, Martin Escaping with Cuts and Bruises
Mooney, Martin Grub
Mooney, Martin Rasputin and his Children
Moore, Marianne Complete Poems
Moraes, Dom Collected Poems, 1957-1987
Morrison, Blake The Movement
Motion, Andrew Danderous Play, Poems 1974-1984 signed
Motion, Andrew In the Blood
Motion, Andrew Independence
Motion, Andrew Natural Causes
Motion, Andrew Philip Larkin
Motion, Andrew Philip Larkin, a Writer's Life
Motion, Andrew Public Property x2, 1 signed
Motion, Andrew Salt Water
Motion, Andrew The Pleasure Steamers
Muir, Edwin Collected Poems
Muldoon, Paul Hay
Muldoon, Paul Horse Latitudes
Muldoon, Paul Maggot
Muldoon, Paul Moy Sand and Gravel
Muldoon, Paul New Selected Poems 1968-1994
Muldoon, Paul The End of the Poem
Murphy, Richard New Selected Poems
Murray, Nicholas World Enough and Time, the Life of Andrew Marvell
O'Brien, Sean Afterlife
O'Brien, Sean Dante's Inferno
O'Brien, Sean Downriver x2, 1 signed
O'Brien, Sean Ghost Train x2 signed, 1 'Sean's reading copy'
O'Brien, Sean HMS Glasshouse
O'Brien, Sean Night Train
O'Brien, Sean The Deregulated Muse
O'Brien, Sean The Drowned Book
O'Brien, Sean The Frighteners
O'Brien, Sean The Ideology
O'Brien, Sean The Indoor Park
O'Brien, Sean The Silence Room
O'Hara, Frank Collected Poems
O'Reilly, Caitriona The Nowhere Birds
O'Reilly, Caitriona The Sea Cabinet
Osborne, Charles W. H. Auden, the Life of a Poet
Oswald, Alice The Thing in the Gap-Stone Style
Ovid Amores I
Ovid Fasti Loeb
Ovid Heroides and Amores Loeb
Ovid Metamorphoses I Loeb
Ovid Metamorphoses II Loeb
Ovid The Art of Love and other poems Loeb
Ovid Tristia and Ex Ponto Loeb
Padel, Ruth 52 Ways of Looking at a Poem
Padel, Ruth Darwin, A Life in Poems signed
Padel, Ruth Rembrandt Would Have Loved You
Padel, Ruth The Poem and the Journey
Paterson, Don Landing Light
Paterson, Don Rain
Paterson, Stuart A. Saving Graces
Patten, Brian Little Johnny's Confession
Paulin, Tom Minotaur
Paulin, Tom The Secret Life of Poems
Paulin, Tom The Strange Museum x2, 1 signed
Phoenix 11/12 Philip Larkin Issue
Pichois, Claude and Ziegler, Jean Baudelaire
Plath, Sylvia Ariel
Plath, Sylvia Ariel facsimilie manuscript edition
Plath, Sylvia Crossing the Water
Plath, Sylvia Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams
Plath, Sylvia The Bell Jar
Plath, Sylvia The Colossus
Plath, Sylvia Winter Trees
Poe, Edgar Allan Spirits of the Dead: Tales and Poems
Pollard, Clare The Heavy-Petting Zoo
Pound, Ezra Poems selected by Thom Gunn
Powell, Neil A Halfway House
Powell, Neil George Crabbe, An English Life, 1754-1832
Powell, Neil Selected Poems
Pritchard, William H. Lives of the Modern Poets
Raine, Craig A Martian Sends a Postcard Home signed
Raine, Craig History: the Home Movie
Raine, Craig In Defense of T.S. Eliot
Raine, Craig Rich
Reidel, James Vanished Act, The Life and Art of Weldon Kees
Riggs, David The World of Christopher Marlowe
Rogers, Byron The Man Who Went into the West, the life of R.S. Thomas
Sagar, Keith The Art of Ted Hughes
Sassoon, Segfried Selected Poems
Scannell,Vernon Selected Poems
Schmidt, Michael Lives of The Poets
Shakespeare Sonnets Sonnets in French
Shakespeare Sonnets ed. Katherine Duncan-Jones
Shakespeare Szonnetek Sonnets in Hungarian
Sheard, James Dammtor
Sheard, James Scattering Eva
Shelley A Choice of Shelleys Verse ed. Spender
Simmonds, Kathryn Sunday at the Skin Launderette
Smith, A.J. Donne Songs and Sonets
Smith, Stan Edward Thomas
Southam, B.C. A Student's Guide to the Selected Poems of T.S. Eliot x2
Spender, Stephen Selected Poems
Spiers, John Chaucer the Maker
Steele, Timothy The Color Wheel
Steele, Timothy Toward the Winter Solstice
Stevens, Wallace Selected Poems
Stevenson, Anne Bitter Fame, the Life of Sylvia Plath
Stevenson, Anne The Fiction Makers
Stubbs, John John Donne, The Reformed Soul
Symborska, Wislawa View with a Grain of Sand
Tennyson In Memoriam, Maud and other poems
Tessimond, A.S.J. Not Love Perhaps
Thomas, Dylan selected and edited by Walford Davies
Thomas, Dylan The Poems
Thomas, Dylan Under Milk Wood
Thomas, Edward A Literary Pilgrim in England
Thomas, Edward Collected Poems
Thomas, Edward In Pursuit of Spring
Thomas, Edward Oxford
Thomas, Edward Richard Jeffries
Thomas, Edward Selected Poems and Prose
Thomas, Edward The Annotated Collected Poems ed. Longley
Thomas, Edward The Happy-Go-Lucky Morgans
Thomas, Edward The Icknield Way
Thomas, Edward The South Country
Thomas, R.S. Later Poems 1972-1982
Thomas, R.S. Selected Poems 1946-1968
Thomson, James The City of Dreadful Night
Thwaite, Anthony Selected Poems 1956-1996 signed
Thwaite, Anthony Twentieth Century English Poetry
Tolley, A.T. Larkin at Work signed
Turner, Jeffrey An Angled Boat
Ungaretti, Giuseppe Selected Poems
Vaughan, Henry Selected Poems
Vendler, Helen Seamus Heaney
Virgil The Aeneid trans. Jackson Knight
Walcott, Derek Selected Poems
Welton, Matthew The Book of Matthew
Welton, Matthew We needed coffee but…'
Whitman, Walt Selected Poems
Wilbur, Richard Collected Poems 1943-2004
Williams, Hugo Writing Home
Williams, Tony The Corner of Arundel Lane and Charles Street
Williams, William Carlos Selected Poems
Wilmer, Clive Poets Talking
Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester The Complete Poems
Yeats, W.B. Selected sel. Heaney
Yeats, W.B. Selected Poems sel Jeffares
Yeats, W.B. The Works of
Yeh, Jane Marabou
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Selected Poems
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