David Green

David Green (Books) is the imprint under which I publish booklets of my own poems, or did. The 'Collected Poems' are now available as a pdf. The website is now what it has become. It keeps me out of more trouble than it gets me into. I hope you find at least some of it worthwhile.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Hindemith Viola Music

 It's not going to be easy for who comes next after the devastating Shostakovich Viola Sonata by Katie Wilkinson. Such landmark concert experiences can lead further and where that has led is Paul Hindemith's music for viola, among which the Sonata in F major, op. 11 no. 4, played by Yuri Bashmet and Sviastoslav Richter has already stood up bravely in comparison with the Shostakovich.
Three CDs issued by Hyperion feature Lawrence Power playing, respectively solo, sonata and orchestral pieces and so they are duly on their way, one's education continually extends and a composer of who I knew very little gets a place on the shelves. 

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